We are all aiming for something.
And what we aim for is shaped by what we’ve imagined the target to be.
We are all aiming at something.
It’s ahead of us, it seems a distance away. But in aiming we find ourselves in dialogue with the bullseye in our mind. Imagine with me for a second. You’re an archer. You insert that arrow. You peer through the bow. You close one eye. Now you’re focused. Things around get quiet. It’s just you and what you’re aiming at. Your attitude, your attention, your actions are all shaped by what you’re trying to hit. Therefore, it’s safe to say, your future aim shapes your current actions.
“The point is that what we desire and anticipate as the culmination of salvation is what truly affects how we attempt to live in the present.”
Each church is like an archer. Every church has something its aiming to do. And each church is shaped by how it imagines its target, its future, its aim. Often how we define these targets, these hopes and aspirations, shape our current practice. And when defined and refined, we'll discover the bullseye in each target. Therefore, it is wise for each church to continue to define and refine its targets. In doing so it'll help people take better aim together.
This Sunday we’ll imagine our targets together. There are 7 targets I wish for us to imagine together. After 6 years of formation, Ekko seems to have discovered a clearer picture of what its future targets should be. It’ll give us a sense of clarity as we take aim in life.
Chris Koelle | Christ Enthroned
The 7 targets we'll imagine together:
- The Dream.
- The Call.
- The Vision.
- The Culture.
- The Mission.
- The Practice.
- The Hope.
We'll unpack each target and define each of its bullseye this Sunday.
“Ethics is lived eschatology.”
We’ll talk about what the bullseye is for each target. Making it simple for us to remember what we're aiming for. Our goals not only offer purpose but companions. We'll take aim together, with each other, with all those that believe that these targets are worth pursuing. And as we gather and grow we'll soon discover that we were not the archers after all. We are a sheafs of arrows in the hands of a mighty God. Ready to send us out, to release us, piercing through the darkness to create beauty and life.
I believe we will hit our mark.
We will experience the future today.
I am confident not just in the arrow,
however beautiful and strong,
but in the one who releases it.
See you soon.
Let’s take aim in life together.