I'm so excited to announce that for Ekko's "Reclaim: Discipline Series" we have Bishop Todd Hunter from the Anglican Church coming to put the finishing touches for this series (June 8th). As a mentor Todd has had a major impact on my ministry and has been a source of encouragement throughout the many seasons of Ekko thus far. He shares a deep love for Ekko and has been praying and cheering for us from early on. Here's a little letter he wrote to us. Enjoy Ekko.
Love you guys and can't wait to see you all soon.
- Bryan
A Letter to Ekko from Bishop Todd Hunter
Blessed are you Ekko church! The Lord has been with you—sponsoring your success, anointing you, giving you gifts, stirring up the power and authority of the kingdom of God within you and transforming your souls! What an awe-inspiring five years! As you cooperate with God in his work of building this reality among you, and as you look ahead to the next five years, I’d like to pass on to you a vision.In Jesus’ day, the people said of his teaching: we’ve never heard anyone speak with such authority. In addition, Jesus’ works of power caused whole cities to change their way of life. Imagine those scenes being played out in our over-indebted, over-busy, over-stressed lives. Especially with today’s tech-toys: maybe Peter misses the bit about the rooster… too busy Tweating-out his loyalty to Jesus. Matthew, immersed in his Facebook wall, is late to the party at his own house! That playful twist on technology is important: every advance in human life is simultaneously a spiritual challenge. For instance fire: we can warm our hands and cook our food—and also burn our enemies at the stake! On and on that old story goes up to our gadget-filled, app-driven, wireless world.
Every Jesus-follower has to battle competing claims on their life. The Roman Empire VS Jesus. The Industrial Revolution VS Jesus. The Hand-held Device Age VS Jesus. What is the pace of life doing to the human soul? All around us here in LA/OC are people whose lives mirror the frustrating reality of Jesus’ friends who were exhausted from fishing all night: throwing, tugging and manipulating heavy nets, but catching nothing. Over the next five years let’s help them hear Jesus say, “throw the net on the other side!” It may lead to a huge catch of the spiritual growth and refreshment Jesus had in mind when he said: "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
- (Mt. 11, The Message)If your soul cries out, if your heart is thirsty, in these next five years, learn to live together in the goodness of God; learn to walk in the gentle peace and gracious pace of Jesus.
- Todd Hunter
Todd Hunter | Spiritual Practices {Telos Videos}
Todd Dean Hunter (born 1956) is an American author, church planter, and bishop in the Anglican Church in North America(ACNA). The senior pastor of an Anglican church in Costa Mesa, California, Hunter serves as an assistant bishop in office of Archbishop Robert Duncan with special assignment for overseeing church planting. Prior to being received into Anglicanism in 2009, Hunter was a leader in the charismatic Vineyard movement. He has also been affiliated with a number of evangelical movements and organizations during his career, including the Jesus Movement, Calvary Chapel, and Alpha. - Wikipedia
Check Out Todd's Books!