Just because you are alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. There is a season for everything and if you’re single take advantage of this time, embrace it instead of trying to run from it.
Love, Like, and Lists
I personally don’t agree with the whole “What I Want in My Guy/Girl Prayer List”. I think it should be called, a Lust List. Here’s why. If God answers your list you will get everything you’ve wished for thereby making the relationship solely based on your likes. However, Love is often experienced where dislikes abound. Actually, I would make the case that Love is best experienced when dislikes, discomfort, sacrifice, are present.
Love vs Like
Love is a commitment to the person,
Like is a commitment to yourself.
Love covers “sins” or mistakes, dislikes, annoyances.
“Like” has no room for error, mistakes, disagreements.
Love is covenant based.
Like is performance based.
I wonder how many of us would think about writing a list for own selves to be a good partner for someone else. Instead of writing a list about a person you're wishing for, why not write all the things you wish to improve or prepare in yourself for the benefit and the pleasure of the other?
Why not?
For instance, instead of writing, “God I want an ambitious man.”
We write, “I’ll seek to grow in passion and vision in all the things God has already shown me to do.”
Instead of writing, “I want a wealthy man or woman”
we may write, “I’ll get rid of all my debt so that when I meet my partner we can start life fresh and new…”
How about we do for others, or our significant other, what we wish for ourselves?
I’m not saying you shouldn’t have desires or wants. But scripture is very clear when it says that God knows what you want even before you ask for it. Actually, it says that He desires to give above and beyond your wildest imaginations. He likes to surprise and bless beyond measure. Do you trust Him with your desires and wants? Do you trust him with your future spouse?
June 2014
Asking Yourself the Tough Question
People ask, “do you think I’m ready to date?” or “do you think I’m ready to marry?”…
I often reply with a question right back,
"Would you let your daughter/son date someone like you?"
Think about it. Imagine if you had a grown daughter or son and they brought home someone like you. Would you be happy for your grown child? Did he/she make a good decision?
If you can’t say a confident “yes” and you find yourself building a case for yourself… well you should be working on yourself right now then. Every area you find yourself excusing or blaming is the very area in need of work.
Think about it.
Pray about it.
Do something about it.
Love you and see you soon.
// Originally reposted on 6/11/14. Also, Check out the Kavvanah Night series we did on Dating.
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