Scripture teaches that we should, "encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you (us) may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." I am grateful for stories that are emerging in and out of our tribe. Thank you to all that write me, that invite us, that encourage us with your stories of courage, faith, and perseverance. The tribe is the better for it.
God will use it to bring glory to his Name.
Here's one that will encourage you Today.
“Since we were encouraged to share in today’s service I thought I’d share some…
…For a long time, I didn’t even realize I was really in the wilderness. I think that’s the hardest part. Not knowing that you’re in the wilderness. It wasn’t actually until the mental health seminar that Ekko had a couple months ago that I realized that maybe I needed help. Through the resource that you guys set up, I was able to find a therapist, and I’ve been in the process. I’ve been processing a lot of different things. It’s a list of things that is too long to put on here, but I’ve been finding that moving and navigating through the wilderness, while difficult, is so ultimately rewarding.
I’m thankful for Ekko… I’ve been given many opportunities to trek through the wilderness, and through Ekklesia and hopefully Orthopraxis (which I’ve signed up for), I believe I’m headed in the right direction. I feel like I’m not out of it by any means, but I feel like I finally have a compass, and I finally have my bearings straight…”
Here’s to the God who walks with us through the wilderness rather than waits for us on the other side. God is good. Have a good day!