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“Ash Wednesday is repenting of the old order and recognizing its brokenness. We put on sack cloth and ashes, knowing that our mourning is preparation for something else; the grieving and repentance will give way to the prophetic and messianic hope of Easter. But for today, we remember that we and all our ways are dust, and to dust we will all return.”
Guest Blog by Sung Kim
"Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent and begins 40 days before Easter.
Lent represents the forty days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring temptation before beginning his ministry. For us, Lent is a time for repentance, fasting, and preparation for easter. Traditionally, the ash of Ash Wednesday symbolizes the dust from which God made us, but it also represents the grief we feel because of the sin that separates us from God.
You know, as a culture, we’re really good at celebrating… and most Sundays on the calendar are about celebrating…to celebrate what God has done, what God is doing and what we believe God will do.
But Lent is our opportunity to engage in something we’re not good at as a culture: to lament or in other words, to grieve, to mourn.
Often, we don’t take the proper time to grieve or mourn because it’s uncomfortable and it interrupts our normal daily routine… but before we can enjoy the fruit of resurrection, there has to be a sense of grief over our sin.
Before the resurrection,
before we celebrate Easter,
there is death and mourning.
Ash Wednesday is an invitation for us to begin that journey - however uncomfortable, to feel the full weight of our sin. It is only when we do this part right, that when Easter comes around, we can properly celebrate… we can celebrate Easter in it’s fullness.
“The communal lament offers the possibility of moving from suffering to celebration. The petition of lament has the very real promise of becoming a psalm of praise...Praise follows lament. However, in a cultural context that upholds triumph and victory but fails to engage with suffering, praise replaces lament. We thus skip the important step of lament and offer supplication in a contextual vacuum.”
So this Lenten season, I invite you to mourn and grieve… to lament over the things that separate us from God. Over the sin that is mine and yours… to lament over the systems of injustice that oppress and isolate in your workplaces and lives. To invite God to come and bring restoration.
Come, let us lament together in Jesus name."
What Should I Fast?
- Fast 1 meal or more per day and use that time you would have used to eat to pray and seek God.
- Fast Facebook & Other Social Media outlets; i.e. Instagram.
- Fast Shopping.
- Fast Eating Out, use that time to cook your own meal.
- Fast Frivolous hang outs, spend time with family members instead. Spend time instead at home, go on a walk with God, spend time in solitude.
- Fast being alone; isolation. Spend time with God's people, Family, and Friends.
- Fast Sleeping Late in order to wake up early and spend time with God.
- Fast looking and touching your phone during meals with people. Be fully present and engaged.
- Fast your phone entirely.
- Fast idleness.
- Fast passivity and pursue what you know you should pursue this season; i.e. apply for jobs, apply for schools, pray for your future spouse, get yourself ready for what God is calling you to and towards.
(Please use wisdom, discretion, and discernment when attempting to fast in any way. Consult your doctor if you're going to fast food.)
For all things Ekko | Lent.