Have you ever been invited to eat with someone, a family perhaps? You go, bring wine, ready for grub, ready to hang and talk. But the host is frantic. Running around constantly, he or she cannot seem to find time to simply rest and enjoy the meal with the rest of the gang. The host’s frantic activity makes all nervous and anxious, we can’t enjoy the meal.
I’ve often wondered if God waits for us on Sundays to simply rest and enjoy the meal of Life with him. We’re tired, most of us, having no real rest the night before to prepare for the rendezvous. Sunday itself is a blur sometimes with all the meetings, catching up, and to-do’s that need to be checked off before the week begins.
For me, I want to work at resting.
My commitment to God is this. I will worship You in slow motion. One of our values at our church is “Worship in Slow Motion”. No hurry, no anxiety. We want to “eat together” in his Presence. We want to not just do but learn to be.
One of my favorite moments during Ekko’s Sabbaths is when we congregate at a local part and simply rest. We play, we laugh, and we sometimes take a nap. Our kids run around, with church-uncles and aunts loving on them, chasing them, slurping on boba drinks (our church seems to be addicted to Boba. I’m sure of this. It’s not even that good. Boba to me is like eating wet round boogers), beach towels laid out, and trying to find shade from the blaring sun.
There’s something about resting together. It’s the art of trusting together. I think one of the greatest expression of worship is trust… it’s rest.
"This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength’…"
- Isaiah 30: 15