He Will Be With Us via Us

If someone was to ask me, what parts of the ministry I like most, I would have to answer, “walking alongside people for the long haul.” Mike Kim (far right, proud daddy of Claire) and I have walked together in the Lord for years now. We went to University together, served at the same church, etc. (I went to school very late due to ministry travels).

I remember specifically God asking me to pray for Mike, I think during his first year/s in college. I didn’t know why. But I felt God instructing me to pray every single day without fail for one whole semester.

It wasn’t easy, but I did it.

I was to pray for both him and another younger brother in the Lord. As I prayed for them, my heart and faith for and in them grew. I began to see God’s point-of-view. I began to see what God sees in them. Now, both guys were exceptional on their own merit, however, I was given access prophetically into what I felt was God’s desire for their lives, God’s desire to raise them up as leaders not only in the church but in their own worlds.

During that time, Mike and I started serving in a small group (campus home groups from our church) together. I taught and I asked him to lead worship. He was very nervous. I think his playing guitar was louder, much louder than his singing.

It wasn’t easy, but he did it.

Mike also gave me permission to “pour” into his life (discipleship). It was one of my first real adult discipleship-centered friendship. I have learned much since then, however, I’m grateful for that launching season into a lifestyle of discipleship. And I have guys like Mike to thank for that…

In Discipling, you are Discipled.

Well, years have past, Mike met his dream girl, Sue. They got married
(my first time officiating a wedding).

We started Ekko together.

He was our first worship leader.
(Acoustic sets only during that time. With 9 other faces staring at each other. Awkward and yet amazing times.) 

As we were dedicating Claire, I couldn’t help but be moved. I am constantly humbled by these moments of Grace. I get to be a part of people’s lives. I get to serve, pray for, and journey with these amazing people of destiny. Now, I get to be a part of Claire’s life, the next generation. What an honor, what glory, it is to serve Jesus.

I am reminded of our Shepherd’s departing words… “I will be with you”…
perhaps that is my main task as a shepherd as well.

I’ve found that in being there with people, God has shown he was and is “there” for me via the tribe.

I’ve found that He Will Be With Us via Us.