My daughter asked me the other day, “when is uncle Jerry coming back?”. Jerry was an unassuming guy but he made such an impact on our tribe.
A lot of the impact came from his courage to write a new story.
No wonder my daughter missed him.
No wonder she asked when he’s coming back.
Jerry’s story is worth retelling.
Is your story worth telling? We find ourselves often writing the same ol’ story. Stories of discouragement, loss, anxiety, etc. We need faith to write a new story.
It takes courage to write a new story.
Jesus wrote new stories. So much was against him in his life. Economically, academically, culturally, politically… the world seemed against him. Yet, he refuse to have circumstances, hurts, misfortune determine the plot of his story. With courage he wrote a new story, one that looked very different than any one had imagined for him.
A lot of impact came from his courage to write a new story.
No wonder we miss him.
No wonder we find ourselves asking when he’s coming back.
Jesus’ story is worth retelling.