The Ekkosystem {coming soon @ Ekko Church}
"An environment, rooted in Christ, for transformation and growth.”
Ekklesia / Koinonia / Kavvanah / Orthopraxis
Jesus ate all the time. In eating and sharing a meal with people, often people no one would want to eat with, he was inviting them into a relationship. You eat with those you love, those you want to do life with, those you accept. As Jesus ate, he must have taught, laughed, cried, and shared not only bread but his life with them. So it is with Ekklesia, it is Ekko setting a table, eating together, and embracing each other’s lives in love. It’ll be a time to learn from His Spirit, through the Word, and times of not only sharing a meal but sharing our lives to each other. Let’s eat.
Jesus walked all the time. We find him taking moments to stop and to teach his disciples along the way. Following Christ is not static but has a Rhythm and Motion to it. The disciples trailing behind must have often talked with one another about what they were just taught. The Walk gave space for a Talk. And as they Walked, and Talked, their love and respect for their Master must have grown. Koinonia groups offers us a chance to stop and listen during our Walk with Christ. It offers us trusted companions to Talk to as we aim to follow closely our Master and Lord.
The paradigm of Kavvanah prayer comes from the book of 1 Samuel. The book tells a story of Hannah, a barren woman who longed for a son. Unable to have a child, mocked by her peer, anguished, and humbled, she prayed an immersive prayer, a “kavvanah” kind of prayer, full of intent and devotion. Her lips moved yet she made no sound because her heart cried out loudly enough. Have you ever felt like this? In spite of her pain and bitterness, she gave the gravest concerns of her heart to God, fully trusting, fully exposed. We aspire to pray this type of prayer. We yearn for it. Through Kavvanah Night, we hope to provide an environment that facilitates this type of expression. There will be praise, there will be worship, there will be movement, and there will be rest. Full devotion, full surrender - an immersive experience with God.
Let’s pray.
The Christian life is not just about a mental agreement with the major tenets of the faith. It’s about a whole new lifestyle. At Ekko we are not satisfied with knowledge alone, we want to experience God via obedience. In the Gospels, we find Jesus as both Savior of the World and a Rabbinic Teacher who aimed to teach us how to live life the way God had intended. Orthopraxis is Ekko’s discipleship course offered for all those who want to know God more, understand Ekko better, and hopefully get a better grasp at Who, What, Where, When, and… How.
(Orthopraxis is a prerequisite for Membership, Koinonia, Leadership, and serving in Ministries in Ekko)