Urgency vs Agency

It has come to my attention that some may feel that we are running 100 miles an hour. A sense of “rush” or “urgency” may fill the air. Some love this, others react or feel pressured by it. Whatever the reality may be, I assure you, we are not seeking to increase, speed up, or rush in anyway. However the ministry is ever increasing, speeding up, and the weight of the mystery and glory of the Church is upon us. I liken it to having babies (or having a family). Some may feel that we are making “babies” (programs, events, ministries, counselings, etc) that we are not able to care for. I would like to think that we are not doing that too much. Instead, what I’m sensing and seeing is that many “babies” (people, needs, counseling, discipleship, mentoring) are being dropped off on our doorsteps. Recently, more than ever, God has been speaking to me about our church being a type of spiritual “adoption house” and orphanage. The babies are coming. The babies are here. Much care is needed for all to survive. God will definitely feed them all, but someone needs to hold the bottles and hold them in their arms. I am reminded of George Mueller’s ministry, I am inspired by it, I feel Ekko being somewhat like it. He had tremendous needs and much burden but the Lord would miraculously answer every need. I am confident that he will answer our need, for it is his “Orphanage”. Anyways, this may be the reason why some may feel that a lot is going on. But I would say to them, don’t worry. Instead, prepare with me, plan ahead with me, dream with me, mentor with me, and pray with me.

I would ask them to join me in these prayer points:

More Harvester to enter - i.e. leadership to rise, people to embrace their portion of the ministry, etc.
More Investors - i.e. I feel the need to connect with leaders outside of Ekko more and more often. Please pray that God will lead us to the right movements, leaders, mentors, etc.

Matthew 9: 36-38
When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. “What a huge harvest!” he said to his disciples. “How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!”

Anyways, despite how things may appear, there is no “urgency” or should I say, no “emergencies”. But there is a lot of work to be done and at this stage… But as tired as I am at times, I feel like the luckiest, most blessed guy on earth. I get to pastor these great people AND I get to do it with my friends.

James 1: 27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."